Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Little Angels

In Honor of my Daughters Birthday today.........."Happy Birthday Jaymie I love you" I wanted to talk about those who actually help the church grow.

1. The Suffering. I know this is strange but our church is better when people who are at their worst come. The Blind, the Lame, the Deaf. They are truly looking for love, life, and the Lord. When the suffering are not a part of our body, we have stopped being what Jesus intended. A House of people who desperately need God. (Matthew 21:13)

2. The Saved. I am not talking about someone who claims it, but contains it. Our church needs sinners who needed Jesus desperately and got Jesus Wholly because they appreciate everything truly.

3. The Servant. This is the person who willingly serves where they are needed. It does not matter to them where or what age group they are servants not managers. They just want to be a part and are willing to do whatever the church needs.

4. The Sacrificer. This person gives of themselves over and over. Financially theirs is ours, Emotionally theirs is ours, physically theirs is ours. This persons life is lived beyond themselves and for the Love of God they love others fully.

5. The Submitter. Literally, this person is for Jesus. They don't try and lead Him, control Him, and can't ignore Him. He is their God and their life is His.

The truth about these people is that they are selfless. They do what is best for others and they do this for the betterment of the ministry. There are many biblical examples of this by my favorite is the woman at the well.

She was a Sinner - Married five times and living with her current boyfriend.
She was Saved - Once she met Jesus she dropped everything.
She was a Servant - After being Saved she went right back to her home town and brought people to Jesus.
She was a Sacrificer - She dropped her pride and her pain and her water bucket for the purpose of souls.
She was a Submitter - No where will you see her trying to manipulate situations or control her destiny. Jesus was her savior and His will prevailed.

Jesus put it this way........
John 4:23-24  But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. 24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Its these people who attract others to the church. Who lovingly encourage truth and honestly worship Him.
Are you a little Angel being sought by the Father for worship?

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