Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Freedom and Fruit

The Angry Christian

They cannot smile because it might reveal in them love
Cold as the clothes they wear, they piously portray themselves as spiritual but in reality they are nothing more than Pharisaical.

I see no fruit of the Spirit in their life for their is no Love, no Joy, or Peace.
I see no Jesus in their Judgementalism as their is no grace.
I see no God in their faith as their is no trust of God's judgement.
With tight jaws and cold hearts they only reveal the depth of the bondage they are in.

But around them I saw love.
People praying for them, concerned for them, wanting to Love them.
The only bonds on us are the bonds of Love.

We are truly Free

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life Group 101

Yesterday I was talking with one of my favorite people in the world, Tim Clark, and we were talking about his work with the young men and women from Tongue Point who have been attending our services as of late. Every Sunday after Church Tim and Teresa invite them to their house and they feed and love them.

I asked him how he was affording to feed them every week. (Imagine 15 hungry young adults and your refrigerator) His reply was, were getting by. This brought me back to another conversation I had this week with a young woman who was going to personally pay for her brothers friend to attend youth conference.

I love that people are so passionate about others knowing Christ and His love that they would sacrifice so much. I love their willingness to do whatever it takes that someone might be saved. But, no one individual can support any ministry to anyone. You will either run out of what you have to give, or burn out from giving so much. This is a lesson I have recently learned.

So my suggestion to both of these individuals was to go to their Life Group and allow them to participate in ministering to these people.

In speaking to Tim I made a statement that I believe sums up what our life groups ought to be about. (I hope you realize I did not know what I was saying until I said it)

Here is Life Group Philosophy 101 "Carry your responsibility, but share your opportunity"

Each one ought to do what they can to reach people for Jesus and love people for Jesus, but as I wrote earlier, no one person can bear this weight. But we can as a GROUP.

This is what I believe will create sustainable ministry. That we do our part, but allow others to join us on the Journey. This creates an atmosphere where people are able to give knowing someone has their back to help. It provides opportunity for others who may not have even known there was a need to be a vital part of meeting that need.

So this week, as we seek to love God and others..........
Carry Your Responsibility, but Share your Opportunity

Monday, September 26, 2011

A Letter from PRob to newLife

Five things to Celebrate from Sunday

#1 Let's Celebrate - We had an auditorium attendance high of 168! 378 on Easter
#2 Let's Celebrate - We had some Amazing First Time Visitors!
#3 Let's Celebrate - We had an Awesome Spirit!
#4 Let's Celebrate - We had a moving Altar Call!
#5 Let's Celebrate - We heard from Above!

Some say church isn't for celebration, they just don't know our God!
Ephesians 3:20-21 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, 21 Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.
Let's Celebrate

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Its no Assumption, Its real

Yesterday Debra and I met with a young lady who has been attending our church for a while. She wanted to meet to let me know what has been going on in her life.

Forgive me but I thought that it was going to be a counseling session.
She is an amazing woman who has been through a whole lot in her life and so I assumed that I would be helping her with her future in relation to our God.

But I was so wrong and if anything it was a counseling session for Debra and I.

Through life circumstances and great pain, she came face to face with God and when she came into the office it was like seeing Moses after coming down off of the mount of God.
Her face just shined of the Love of God.
and all of the Jesus stuff, became Real.

Debra and I were shocked, not at the fact that Jesus could do this, but that the evidence of Sundays message was displayed so clearly in front of us.


and so is God.

What's the Point?
I think we believe that all that we do in church is kind of real but not really. I mean we spend so much time sharing the love of God with so many rejecting it or making religion out of it that we assume that few will make it real.

Oh no, this woman was clear evidence of someone living the abundant life in Christ.
Though she has lost so much in life, the love she has received from God has given her more than she could ever imagine.

And there are so many more out there like her. They come in and cry and leave. They are under pressures we've long forgotten about and have problems we've solved years ago.
Lets not assume they need anything but our Love because if there is one thing that cannot be denied, faked, or fooled, its Love.

1 Corinthians 13:8 Charity never faileth: "its always real"

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Trust or Rust

I love to read other Pastors and Churches Blogs.
It helps me to see that our church is definitely not an island.
These five points came from a church planters blog and his thoughts on the beginning of their church. (In 12 days)

What is funny about these points is that they are very similar to what I learned on my trip as I contemplated my future in ministry.

Here's his thoughts:

I. If I’m not having fun it probably means I’m trusting more in me than Him.

2. If I’m thinking more about what could go wrong than what might go right, I’m probably trusting more in me than Him.

3. If I’m not sleeping well, ditto.

4. If I’m not taking care of my health and carving out time to exercise, same thing.

5. If I’m not fully present with my wife and my kids, I’m trusting more in me than Him.

I could not imagine the personal pressures of a pastor in this position.
What if no one comes?
What if no one tithes?
What if EVERYONE comes but I lose my Health or even worse, my family to the ministry?

Its so easy to trust in our selves for a while, but so much more enjoyable to trust in God.

Trusting in God allows us to not worry about the outcome but enjoy the opportunity.
Trusting in God allows us to think about the things God will do. (Eph 3:19-20)
Trusting in God allows us to rest knowing its more important to Him than me.
Trusting in God allows me to care for me physically to Honor Him rather than care for them physically honoring me.
Trusting in God allows me to live life the way God intended, focused more on my wife and children than on work, worries, and whys.

I am excited for the people of Gwinnet Church as their Pastor has learned something priceless before he even starts.

Trust God and not ourselves. (2 Corinthians 1:9)

How about you today, are you trusting or slowly rusting?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Today, I am Blank, Empty, Filled with Nothing
and just a short time ago I thought this was a bad thing.

But its not.
It means my mind is rested, literally at peace.
It means my heart is secure, nothing to fear.
It means my life is anticipating what God has for me today.

Don't get me wrong, I have issues going on in my life, some pretty heavy, but today they are not mine, I gave them to Him.

20 days on the Harley taught me that its OK to focus on nothing but the road ahead.
To shut out all that's going on behind me and if I need to apply some throttle to get farther away, it only makes the trip more exciting.
Oh I know what's behind me, I'm not ignoring it, but I choose not to focus on it.
Its Hard to ride a Harley looking backwards.
Its a much better ride if I spend most of my time anticipating what is over that next hill, corner, or even a long straight stretch. Good or bad.

What does God have for you today?
What will you see if you spend it anticipating His work in your life?
What will you miss if you never get up and Ride?

Today, I have nothing in front of me but open Road. It's gonna be a great day.

Monday, September 19, 2011

A Letter from PRob to newLife

This morning as I came into my office I do what I always do.
Turn on my Computer, Load up my I-Tunes and let the music fly and this morning a song came up that said it all for Me!

Its Called "Into Jesus" and I just want to walk around and sing the Chorus
"Hey, You, I'm into Jesus"

I am really into Jesus

I am into His Grace
I am into His Love
I am into His Conviction
I am into His Challenges for my week
I am into His Church

I am into Him and I love that our body is really getting into Jesus as well.
Those in attendance yesterday I believe are very real when it comes to following Jesus and I am excited for our church.

What are you into about Jesus today?

Monday, September 12, 2011

A Letter from PRob to newLife

What an amazing weekend it was.
A beautiful wedding.
An Happy Worship Service.
And Wonderful People.

I believe that Jesus was very pleased with the laborers of newLife this week and I am sure that you all deserve a Well done thou faithful Servant!

Can't wait till next Sunday and its only Monday!
Have a Great Week Lifers!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Something to think about Church

As I sat in a room filled with Harley Davidson Employees I learned somethings that should make Christians Jealous.

#1 The Employees of HD believe in their product.
#2 The Employees of HD believed in Hard Work to create their product.
#3 The Employees of HD believed that Tradition was worth keeping.
#4 The Employees of HD believed that new technologies were worth trying.
#5 The Employees of HD believed that family was important.
#6 The Employees of HD believed in having fun.
#7 The Employees of HD believed in Living for the Weekend.
#8 The Employees of HD believed in living to live.

Everyone we met, loved their job, loved their Harley's, and loved their lives.
They believed that they were the luckiest people on the planet and made you jealous that you were not a Harley Davidson Employee.

After spending a few days with them, I wanted to quit my job, move to Milwaukee and work for Harley Davidson.
What if our church believed in the Church the same way the HD Employees believed in their company?
What if we so loved the church, the church that Jesus gave Himself for, that we made people jealous that they were not a part of it?
What if we so loved our life in Christ that it bothered people that they did not serve the same God?

I believe the "Church" is the Hope of the world, not Harley Davidson.
and if you believe that too, join me in making people want to have what only those who know Christ have.

Peace, Power, and a Clear Purpose to live an Abundant Life.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


20 days, 6400 Miles, 4 National Park systems, 15 camp sites, 4 motels, 15 Subways, two motorcycle races in 100 degree heat, 1back tire, 1drive belt, 1driving light, and I am Home.

Its been the most amazing experience I have ever had.

I am sure over the next few weeks you will hear all of my stories, and then over the next few months as well.

Thank you for allowing me the time to do this.
Home Group Coordinators, Jack Burkhart, and all of you who faithfully supported this church while I was gone.

I am home.