Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Transformers, More than meets the Eye!!!!

In case you missed it last night, what you heard was the mission of God being carried out. Stories of people who have been brought into relationship to Christ and who are maturing in their faith.

This is critical to our mission of advancing the gospel.

For those of you who shared, Thank you.
For those of you who didn't, come talk to me and I would love to give you the opportunity to do so.
For those of you whose love and devotion brought them to Christ, thank you thank you thank you.

I can't wait for Sunday!


  1. Pastor, Thank you for last night, it truly renewed my spirit to hear those testimonies. Some of the testimonies even answered a few prayers that I had and I am just so thankful. I needed to hear what they had to say!

  2. Last night was SO uplifting! I LOVED hearing the honesty, the openness, the freedom to share hearts because of the knowledge that we are forgiven and loved! As Michelle said, I felt renewed! and also realize how much I love my church and how much I miss it when I have to work....

  3. I totally agree with what Michelle and Carol said! I'm so thrilled to be a part of a church where people feel loved and feel secure enough to open up and tell their stories without fear of being judged! Each testimony touched my heart and made me cry and made my heart sing, at the same time! There's just something special when someone finds Jesus and He takes them in his loving arms and comforts them and makes them feel secure! It's so freeing for them when they cast their cares on Jesus and let Him carry their burdens! Man I wanted to jump up and shout at one point and say, satan you stay away from here, these people are finding victory in their lives and you've been defeated , so stay out satan!

    I am thankful those people shared their lives with us inthe way that they did. It helps us to have compassion for them, it helps those that can identify with their story and it just draws us closer as a family and increases our love for one another! That's what it's all about right? The love of Jesus and through His example, our love for others and of course our love for our precious dear Jesus!!!
    It was a great night and it truly stirred my soul!!!

  4. wow this was awesome, I to Deje cried, and realized my story is not for me to keep to myself but to share with those that may need to hear it. I was very touched with the honesty and fredom of those who shared, my only regret was some that needed to hear these wonderful testimonies were not in church that night. But then again how we all were so blessed to be a part of everyones lives that night, this is real, this is life, I love my church, I love Gods people, most of all I love my Jesus. When you come to a place in your life and wonder sometimes what we do does it really matter? it takes one night like this, one simple night that makes it all worth it. what a great night.
