Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Five Ways to make your Home Group work and Pray for Chrystal

With home groups becoming a larger part of our ministry it is important to make sure that they are the best they can be. Here are a few ideas to encourage that.

1. Witness it.
I know its uncomfortable. I know you would rather stay home. But that's just your flesh talking. Its spiritual to develop close relationships with people. The Trinity is as close a relationship you can get. Realness with each other is a sign of Righteousness with the Father.

2. Work it.
A home group is more than a once in a month meeting. Its where relationships are built that allow us to minister to each other throughout the month. Pray for one another, encourage one another, disciple one another, and serve one another as you get to know one another.

3. Wait for it.
Home groups don't just happen. They take time to develop, to open up, to build. Don't get frustrated because its not what you thought. Put some Work in it (see above) and see what God does with it.

4. Watch out for it.
Trust me, wolves are out there and they love home groups. They love to get you alone, give their advice, draw you to them. Not out of love, but out of a desire for you to follow them. While our leaders are watching over you, they can't see everything. Help them by encouraging healthy relationships within the group.

5. Want it.
The success of any home group depends upon how bad the people involved really want to build relationships with each other. If you want to experience biblical community at its best then it will be found within your home group. (See Acts 2:42-47)

We started having home groups as a way to encourage deeper relationships within the body of newLife. This is especially important as the church grows as fewer people know fewer people.

We also noticed that through these home groups other things occurred naturally. Discipleship happened more naturally through home groups, as did hospital visits, and service. In other words, more got done better with less effort and more involvement and we are not even close to being fully developed yet.

The future of our home groups is exciting. Lives will be changed. Get Involved.

P.S. Chrystal Mackelroy (spelled wrong) is still in the hospital but she has been moved to St.Vincent in Portland. Please keep her in your prayers. Even in her pain she has been sharing her love of Christ and encouraging people to come to church! Pray that God's grace would be sufficient, that her condition would be healed, and her heart would feel Loved.

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