Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

An unforced Letter from Pastor A

Hey Lifers, Sunday was an awesome day.
Let me tell you what happened.

1. Two teens trusted Christ as their Savior last week. By Choice. Without pressure.

2. Another young couple wants to join the church. By Choice. Without pressure.

3. An amazing young woman trusted Christ as her savior Sunday after Church. By Choice. Without pressure.

4. Two other ladies came to me on Sunday and asked about Joining the Church. By Choice. Without pressure.

5. People gave to the offering for Easter at the Liberty. By Choice. Without Pressure.

6. An Awesome Lady (Suzy J) realized her God given calling to wounded children and adults.

People are hearing the voice of God, following the leading of His Spirit, and trusting Christ as their Savior.

Whats the difference? Love.
They are loved, accepted, wanted, appreciated, served, by you.
I've never been so proud (good thing) of any church I have ever been involved with.

Lifers are loving God (I hear it in your worship)
Lifers are loving others (I see it in your sacrifice)
Lifers are loving Christianity (I see it on your faces)

Thank you for choosing to serve the people of our church.
Thank you for your commitment to this body.
Thank you for your Christ like Spirit towards those who are looking for truth, love, and hope.

Thank you for being you in Christ, by Choice, without Pressure.

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