Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


If God is God, and we are empowered with His Spirit....
     Why are Christians so weak emotionally?
     Why are Christians so miserable personally?
     Why are Christians so poor spiritually?

Wouldn't you agree that most Christians are over educated in the bible yet underachieving in living it?
In no way am I saying that we should not know the word of God, on the contrary, that knowledge ought to cause us to have a greater courage to live it.

Then why do we settle for a lesser power?

I wonder.......what would happen if we had no other choice but to rely on the power of God to live our lives.
I different Christianity would be, if God's people were truly empowered by the Spirit of God and encouraged in the word of God?

Would we be encumbered by religion? Or would we throw it off as an unnecessary burden?
Would we be weighted down by the busyness of life or use the busyness for life?

I we have to wait till heaven to truly experience all that God has for us or as my prayer is this morning, "Lord, can we experience you today in your fullness?"

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