Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

If God is NOT the author of Confusion than it must be YOU

To say that I am confused would be an understatement. But this is just one of the many reasons we trust God and not ourselves.

Let me Explain several reasons why I am confused this morning.

#1 God has placed on my heart the most amazing message for this Sunday. I know it will be life changing because it changed mine.
But so few of you will invite anyone to church to hear it and a select few, won't even attend yourselves.

#2 For three years I have preached two things. Love God and Love others. and if you love God you will love what God loves. Others. Especially those hurting, helpless, and hopeless.
Then why do I hear that someone, Anyone, in this church would judge another person for their faults, failures, and foolishness and refuse to have fellowship with them, when we have been forgiven of so much?

#3 The psalm is clear, blessed is the man who walks not in the COUNCIL of the UNGODLY, Stands in the WAY of SINNERS, and Sits in the SEAT of the SCORNFUL.
Then Why oh Why would anyone take council, follow the ways, and live the life of the ungodly over someone who is actively pursuing God?

#4 Definition of Gossip. If the conversation two people is having, is about anyone other than yourselves, and includes people who are not with you, its gossip. If you share what you've heard about someone with anyone other than the person you've heard it about, its gossip.
YOU KNOW THAT and IT IS SIN. Read Proverbs 6:16-19
Why is it happening?

What I fight more than anything is confusion.
Confusion with the Scriptures, about the Church, about our Savior.
Christians ought not add to it.
Its this reason I left the church at 13 and didn't return until I was almost 30.

I believe that the church is the HOPE of the world.
I believe that the church is the most beautiful body on the earth.
and because of that belief, I have given my life for her, His Bride.
Stop confusing people about her.
Stop and repent.
If you are causing confusion, your only serving Satan.
Stop or God will stop you.

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