Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Sundays Coming, But Saturdays very important

Ok Lifers, here's the skinny.

Dales Service will be on Saturday at 1:00pm, but our service will begin before that.
We are going to activate our home groups to minister to the needs of this service providing workers!

James Jackson's home group will be responsible for setting up and serving at the reception hall.
Ron Isom's home group will be responsible for the Church building. This includes set up, clean up, ushers, and nursery workers.
Daniel Jasper's home group will be responsible for serving and clean up at the reception hall.

This is huge for us as we have an opportunity to share the gospel with people most of which may never be open to hearing the good news any other way.

This is a test to see if our church really does love God and others. This is evangelism baby!

How can you help?
Call your Home Group Leader and offer to serve where HE needs you.
Then, Come with a servants heart, which means if something needs to be done outside of your responsibility do that too!

I am excited to share with Dale's friends and family how awesome Jesus is, but I need your help. Would you?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Pastor, Dave H here. I was checking my Facebook and got this from my Sister-in-law who went as Gina's friend.

    "Hey there.. Nice to see you yesterday. Wow.I've only been to a few funerals in my life. Your pastor is amazing. I left there feeling like I wanted to be a better person. Anyway, as you know Gina dated Dale for a long time and she truly loved him. She wanted to go but had no one to go with her. I took on the task of "good friend"... Lol.. Ok so anyway, I think it ended up being as good for me and it was for her. Lol..
    My boys have been going to a Baptist church in ocean Park for the Awanas program and I was wondering if your church does that too? I would like it if I could bring the boys there and then who knows, maybe Ed and I could even attend. Ok love ya and again, nice to see you. Cindy"

    So, you definitely shared how awesome Jesus is! I have been searching for a way to get them to come to church. We've talked a bit, but my brother Ed is a very stubborn man. Isn't it amazing how the passing of one man could bring Jesus into the lives of so many people. Even someone in your own family who you've been struggling with! God is amazing!
