Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Letter from Pastor A to newLife

Several things to share with you Lifers

#1 A young man named Joshua came up to me after the AM service and said, "I heard everything you said, I want a relationship with God" 30 minutes later Heaven Rejoiced and Ephesians 2:1-10 had begun in his life!

#2 Thursday Night there could be a couple of people who show no shame of Jesus in their life! Its called baptisms for those of you who don't get it.

#3 A man I greatly respect came up to me on Sunday and shared his joy over what he is hearing in the pulpit! I don't think that there is any thing more encouraging than when someone you look up to is encouraged by you! Whose doing that in your life?

#4 As I was visiting Ken Ness in the Hospital (His liver is still rejecting, Keep praying) I met with a woman whose son and girlfriend are struggling with prescription addiction. It was an awesome opportunity to minister and they are supposed to call me this week. (pray for Ryan and his girlfriend)

#5 I believe that at no other time in our History a door is opened for us but as the bible says, there are many adversaries, some in the church. 1 Corinthians 16:9 (I'll share more of this tomorrow)

#6 This Thursdays message will be powerful. See Malachi Chapter 1: 2-14.

#7 This Sunday's might be the most encouraging message you will ever hear in your life. We will be looking at the Giants of our past and how to defeat them.

ANTICIPATE great things, and we will CELEBRATE great things, Anticipate NOTHING and we will celebrate NOTHING.

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