Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Person of the Year Part 1

Time Magazine has named their person of the year for 2011 and its the Protester. Yep, the person of the year ended up actually being a group of the year.
And I get this.
The Protester changed the world much like our forefathers did 200 + years ago.

But it made me think.......while I think protesting is not what we as Christians are called to do, we are called to turn the world upside down.

What if rather than sit around and complain about the world, we got involved in an more proactive way much like the "Protester".

What if instead of complaining about drug and alcohol abuse we sought out and loved on those who find the only way to survive is to self medicate?

What if instead of whining about how the church has failed we go out and be the Church God has called us to be.

If I am going to be a Protester, I am going to Protest Christians who have a problem with everything the church does and challenge them to get more involved.
To Live more, to Give more, to Love more, to Do more to make a difference in our world.

If newLife was the Church God called us to be, we would "Protest" how Selfish Christians are. Instead of fighting corporate greed we would fight Christian greed.

 I clearly believe that Time got it right and the "Protester's" have inspired me.

Its time newLife to turn the world Upside down.

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