Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Friday, January 28, 2011

You Don't Always Have to Listen to the Medical Staff

I don't know how many of you follow football, but last Sunday the Quarterback of the Chicago Bears, Jay Cutler had some form of injury that kept him from finishing the game.
Once the game was over with a loss, many questioned his toughness as most believed if Jay wanted to he could have finished the game.

Now I am not his doctor, nor do I know what he was feeling, but I do understand how both sides feel.

There are times that I get injured and want to sit out on life.
I want to rehab.
I want to do what's best for me.

Someone said something that hurt me.
Someone criticized a decision that I made.
Something happened that I didn't think was fair or right.
Sometimes I just get tired and think i need a break.

and I want to quit.

But leaders can't quit.
and even though Jay was hurt, I believe that the sign of a true leader is that they work through the pain because the goal of any player is to play.
and when the leader of any organization gives up when the team needs you the most, its the end of the team.

Dads, I wonder how often we quit on the team because the family disagrees with us or finances are tough?
How often do we back down from our Quarterbacking Responsibilities because we are too tired to lead?

Husbands, do you let the Center (your wife) lead because she disagrees with the play calling? Do you let her bear the responsibility the organization entrusted to YOU?

I know that sometimes you get advice that the best thing for you is to sit one out.
But not if your a leader!

Jay, my suggestion is this. Its better to be remembered for being a leader than a leaver. Next time it hurts, Play through it. The Bears are counting on you. Man up and lead.

On a more important note. I was wrong again.
Last night as Julie Meihe was driving to Astoria with her brother, He trusted Christ to be his savior. Heaven Rejoiced Last Night! and so will we.
Also, we have one young man who wants to join our church body this Sunday.

These are the things I don't mind being wrong about!

Have a great weekend and see you Sunday!

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