Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

27 Kisses

Twenty Seven Reasons why I love my Wife of Twenty Seven Years

1. She is the first Person I felt "Love at First Sight" with. "I Thought WOW"
2. She kissed me on our First Date. "I can still Feel it"
3. She is adventurous. "Bee's in Bronco's"
4. She Defends me. "Even from her ex-Boyfriend who would have killed me."
5. She Parties like a Rock Star. "Those of you who know her know what I mean."
6. She can think for herself. "Texas? Really?"
7. She is Patient. "Dating a Drunk Boyfriend but knowing there is good in me!"
8. She is Crazy. "For putting up with me in the early years."
9. She has always made me feel like a Man. "even when I was a stupid boy"
10. She loved Def Leppard Loud. "What? Rock of Ages!!!!"
11. She can Dance. "Sorry Hun, I got no body rhythm"
12. She develops deep deep friendships. "Love ya Teresa (Heaven) Liz and Misty"
13. She has never blown our money. "when I had it. lol"
14. She trusted Jesus as Her Savior and fell in Love with Him.
15. She gave me a Son. "Michael is and always has been tied as the most Beautiful baby I have ever seen."
16. She fell in Love with Another Man. "Our Son!.It was Awesome to see her raise him."
17. She gave me a Daughter. "Kasey is an always has been tied as the most Beautiful baby I have ever seen."
18. She Fought for our Daughters Life. "and Still Does"
19. She toughed it out in San Fransisco for months without me caring for Kasey without Whining.
20. She has been an amazing mother. "Teaching my kids things I never would have thought of."
21. She stood with me as we gave up the life we had, to serve others in the life we have.
22. She put up with Cranky Church Ladies and did not leave me. "Still Does and still won't"
23. She has suffered Greatly and fought Valiantly. "The Accident"
24. She is the friend I always wanted, but did not deserve.
25. She is stunningly beautiful, even as "I" grow older.
26. She is Fun and Funny. "Not when using Knappa Humor"
27. I get to spend the rest of my life with her. "Beyond Seventy!"

While there are many more, these will do.

Debra, I Love You

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