Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Will we work till Jesus comes?

Someone Sunday asked me if I was happy that Easter was over. I know what they meant but I also realize the mentality of a big day. and so today I want to give you ? reasons why Easter is just the beginning and not the end.

#1 Easter is about the resurrection of Christ, not His death.
At most funerals the burial allows the family closure and the ability to heal and start over without their loved one.
Not Christ Burial. His Resurrection and subsequent Ascension means that for us life begins at Jesus and ends on earth when He returns.

#2 Easter was not about temporary decisions made by people, but the opportunity for us to share His life with those who don't know Him. This means we must keep loving people now that we have made an impression on them. We want them to become followers of Jesus not one time prayers.

#3 Easter was the Launching Point for newLife Church of Jerusalem. A few months later the Holy Spirit filled the Church and 3,000 were saved and added to the church. While the resurrection was a celebration, it was the beginning not the end of the church.

#4 Easter made more work for the Christian, not less. I have heard how some Christians want to take some time and rest now. WOW I guess I go a fishing (see John 21:3) Know this, you'll catch nothing unless you are fishing for men.

#5 Our Christian responsibility to the Lost is only effective post Resurrection. (see Acts 1:8)

#6 The Real Power behind our Faith was activated post Resurrection and only usable to reach the lost. (see Matthew 28:18-20)

#7 The Harvest is truly Plenteous, but sadly the laborers are few.
People want to serve, but they want benefits, lots of vacation, and often will only work when and where it suits them.
Yes Jesus was resurrected from the dead, for us, yet people still chose to serve or not.

I hate to say it, but last Sunday was a launching point not an ending point. I realize how weary many of you are but all you've experienced is the real work of the Gospel. Most Christians are just out of shape when it comes to serving. Please don't slack off. Please don't back away. Souls hang in the balance. and there are more people in this city that need to hear the good news of Jesus Christ.