Jesus loves me this I know. Debra Wants me this I know. My kids appreciate me this I know. My church encourages me this I know. My Life Group cares for me this I know. Everything else I know, I will share with you.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Guilty Pleasures

Last week was an interesting week for many here at newLife as we took the week off after Easter. It was kind of like running a race only to stop midway and it caused a lot of confusion. We knew that we were not at the finish line and many struggled with stopping to rest which brought me to this question.

#1 Why are Faithful Christians in such a hurry?
#2 Why do Faithful Christians struggle with Guilt for Resting?

I am not talking about the unfaithful who take advantage of times of rest even to the forsaking of the Lords Day for self service. But those who passionately serve the Lord and faithfully serve their church.

Why are we in such a hurry?
Because we believe that busyness is next to godliness.
Because we fear that idol hands are the devils workshop.
Because we think that rest leads to laziness.

But the truth is God Himself rested after a season of busy labor.
After six days of creation, He stood back and looked at His work and said, "This is Very Good!"  (Genesis 2:2-3)

Jesus during a very busy season of ministry walked away from His work to rest and pray.
(Luke 5:15-16)

I realize that many of you are serving God during the week. Some are preparing to teach your classes on Sunday, some of you are discipling new Christians, some of you are counseling broken people, while many are loving others by sharing Jesus with them as well as working full time jobs and living full time lives so this week of rest should have been good for you.

Your Relationship with God should have been refreshed.
Your Passion for Jesus should have been renewed.
Your Love of your church should have been energized.
Your time with family enhanced.

This race we run is a marathon not a sprint and there will be times we need to rest.
Last week was that time and the only thing that would have hindered your rest is if you struggled with what God was trying to do.

All work and no play makes newLife a Dull church.
If you did not rest you might want to take some time this week and prepare for Sunday by resting your heart and mind to serve Him on Sunday.

We will talk more about that tomorrow.

Have an Awesome Day newLife


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